1 <?php
2 /**
3 * @package Joomla.Libraries
4 * @subpackage HTML
5 *
6 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
7 * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
8 */
10 defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
12 use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
14 /**
15 * Utility class for creating HTML select lists
16 *
17 * @since 1.5
18 */
19 abstract class JHtmlSelect
20 {
21 /**
22 * Default values for options. Organized by option group.
23 *
24 * @var array
25 * @since 1.5
26 */
27 protected static $optionDefaults = array(
28 'option' => array(
29 'option.attr' => null,
30 'option.disable' => 'disable',
31 'option.id' => null,
32 'option.key' => 'value',
33 'option.key.toHtml' => true,
34 'option.label' => null,
35 'option.label.toHtml' => true,
36 'option.text' => 'text',
37 'option.text.toHtml' => true,
38 'option.class' => 'class',
39 'option.onclick' => 'onclick',
40 ),
41 );
43 /**
44 * Generates a yes/no radio list.
45 *
46 * @param string $name The value of the HTML name attribute
47 * @param array $attribs Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag
48 * @param string $selected The key that is selected
49 * @param string $yes Language key for Yes
50 * @param string $no Language key for no
51 * @param mixed $id The id for the field or false for no id
52 *
53 * @return string HTML for the radio list
54 *
55 * @since 1.5
56 * @see JFormFieldRadio
57 */
58 public static function booleanlist($name, $attribs = array(), $selected = null, $yes = 'JYES', $no = 'JNO', $id = false)
59 {
60 $arr = array(JHtml::_('select.option', '0', JText::_($no)), JHtml::_('select.option', '1', JText::_($yes)));
62 return JHtml::_('select.radiolist', $arr, $name, $attribs, 'value', 'text', (int) $selected, $id);
63 }
65 /**
66 * Generates an HTML selection list.
67 *
68 * @param array $data An array of objects, arrays, or scalars.
69 * @param string $name The value of the HTML name attribute.
70 * @param mixed $attribs Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag. This
71 * can be an array of attributes, or an array of options. Treated as options
72 * if it is the last argument passed. Valid options are:
73 * Format options, see {@see JHtml::$formatOptions}.
74 * Selection options, see {@see JHtmlSelect::options()}.
75 * list.attr, string|array: Additional attributes for the select
76 * element.
77 * id, string: Value to use as the select element id attribute.
78 * Defaults to the same as the name.
79 * list.select, string|array: Identifies one or more option elements
80 * to be selected, based on the option key values.
81 * @param string $optKey The name of the object variable for the option value. If
82 * set to null, the index of the value array is used.
83 * @param string $optText The name of the object variable for the option text.
84 * @param mixed $selected The key that is selected (accepts an array or a string).
85 * @param mixed $idtag Value of the field id or null by default
86 * @param boolean $translate True to translate
87 *
88 * @return string HTML for the select list.
89 *
90 * @since 1.5
91 */
92 public static function genericlist($data, $name, $attribs = null, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $selected = null, $idtag = false,
93 $translate = false)
94 {
95 // Set default options
96 $options = array_merge(JHtml::$formatOptions, array('format.depth' => 0, 'id' => false));
98 if (is_array($attribs) && func_num_args() === 3)
99 {
100 // Assume we have an options array
101 $options = array_merge($options, $attribs);
102 }
103 else
104 {
105 // Get options from the parameters
106 $options['id'] = $idtag;
107 $options['list.attr'] = $attribs;
108 $options['list.translate'] = $translate;
109 $options['option.key'] = $optKey;
110 $options['option.text'] = $optText;
111 $options['list.select'] = $selected;
112 }
114 $attribs = '';
116 if (isset($options['list.attr']))
117 {
118 if (is_array($options['list.attr']))
119 {
120 $attribs = ArrayHelper::toString($options['list.attr']);
121 }
122 else
123 {
124 $attribs = $options['list.attr'];
125 }
127 if ($attribs !== '')
128 {
129 $attribs = ' ' . $attribs;
130 }
131 }
133 $id = $options['id'] !== false ? $options['id'] : $name;
134 $id = str_replace(array('[', ']', ' '), '', $id);
136 $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], $options['format.depth']++);
137 $html = $baseIndent . '<select' . ($id !== '' ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' name="' . $name . '"' . $attribs . '>' . $options['format.eol']
138 . static::options($data, $options) . $baseIndent . '</select>' . $options['format.eol'];
140 return $html;
141 }
143 /**
144 * Method to build a list with suggestions
145 *
146 * @param array $data An array of objects, arrays, or values.
147 * @param string $optKey The name of the object variable for the option value. If
148 * set to null, the index of the value array is used.
149 * @param string $optText The name of the object variable for the option text.
150 * @param mixed $idtag Value of the field id or null by default
151 * @param boolean $translate True to translate
152 *
153 * @return string HTML for the select list
154 *
155 * @since 3.2
156 * @deprecated 4.0 Just create the `<datalist>` directly instead
157 */
158 public static function suggestionlist($data, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $idtag = null, $translate = false)
159 {
160 // Log deprecated message
161 JLog::add(
162 'JHtmlSelect::suggestionlist() is deprecated. Create the <datalist> tag directly instead.',
163 JLog::WARNING,
164 'deprecated'
165 );
167 // Note: $idtag is requried but has to be an optional argument in the funtion call due to argument order
168 if (!$idtag)
169 {
170 throw new InvalidArgumentException('$idtag is a required argument in deprecated JHtmlSelect::suggestionlist');
171 }
173 // Set default options
174 $options = array_merge(JHtml::$formatOptions, array('format.depth' => 0, 'id' => false));
176 // Get options from the parameters
177 $options['id'] = $idtag;
178 $options['list.attr'] = null;
179 $options['list.translate'] = $translate;
180 $options['option.key'] = $optKey;
181 $options['option.text'] = $optText;
182 $options['list.select'] = null;
184 $id = ' id="' . $idtag . '"';
186 $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], $options['format.depth']++);
187 $html = $baseIndent . '<datalist' . $id . '>' . $options['format.eol']
188 . static::options($data, $options) . $baseIndent . '</datalist>' . $options['format.eol'];
190 return $html;
191 }
193 /**
194 * Generates a grouped HTML selection list from nested arrays.
195 *
196 * @param array $data An array of groups, each of which is an array of options.
197 * @param string $name The value of the HTML name attribute
198 * @param array $options Options, an array of key/value pairs. Valid options are:
199 * Format options, {@see JHtml::$formatOptions}.
200 * Selection options. See {@see JHtmlSelect::options()}.
201 * group.id: The property in each group to use as the group id
202 * attribute. Defaults to none.
203 * group.label: The property in each group to use as the group
204 * label. Defaults to "text". If set to null, the data array index key is
205 * used.
206 * group.items: The property in each group to use as the array of
207 * items in the group. Defaults to "items". If set to null, group.id and
208 * group. label are forced to null and the data element is assumed to be a
209 * list of selections.
210 * id: Value to use as the select element id attribute. Defaults to
211 * the same as the name.
212 * list.attr: Attributes for the select element. Can be a string or
213 * an array of key/value pairs. Defaults to none.
214 * list.select: either the value of one selected option or an array
215 * of selected options. Default: none.
216 * list.translate: Boolean. If set, text and labels are translated via
217 * JText::_().
218 *
219 * @return string HTML for the select list
220 *
221 * @since 1.5
222 * @throws RuntimeException If a group has contents that cannot be processed.
223 */
224 public static function groupedlist($data, $name, $options = array())
225 {
226 // Set default options and overwrite with anything passed in
227 $options = array_merge(
228 JHtml::$formatOptions,
229 array('format.depth' => 0, 'group.items' => 'items', 'group.label' => 'text', 'group.label.toHtml' => true, 'id' => false),
230 $options
231 );
233 // Apply option rules
234 if ($options['group.items'] === null)
235 {
236 $options['group.label'] = null;
237 }
239 $attribs = '';
241 if (isset($options['list.attr']))
242 {
243 if (is_array($options['list.attr']))
244 {
245 $attribs = ArrayHelper::toString($options['list.attr']);
246 }
247 else
248 {
249 $attribs = $options['list.attr'];
250 }
252 if ($attribs !== '')
253 {
254 $attribs = ' ' . $attribs;
255 }
256 }
258 $id = $options['id'] !== false ? $options['id'] : $name;
259 $id = str_replace(array('[', ']', ' '), '', $id);
261 // Disable groups in the options.
262 $options['groups'] = false;
264 $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], $options['format.depth']++);
265 $html = $baseIndent . '<select' . ($id !== '' ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' name="' . $name . '"' . $attribs . '>' . $options['format.eol'];
266 $groupIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], $options['format.depth']++);
268 foreach ($data as $dataKey => $group)
269 {
270 $label = $dataKey;
271 $id = '';
272 $noGroup = is_int($dataKey);
274 if ($options['group.items'] == null)
275 {
276 // Sub-list is an associative array
277 $subList = $group;
278 }
279 elseif (is_array($group))
280 {
281 // Sub-list is in an element of an array.
282 $subList = $group[$options['group.items']];
284 if (isset($group[$options['group.label']]))
285 {
286 $label = $group[$options['group.label']];
287 $noGroup = false;
288 }
290 if (isset($options['group.id']) && isset($group[$options['group.id']]))
291 {
292 $id = $group[$options['group.id']];
293 $noGroup = false;
294 }
295 }
296 elseif (is_object($group))
297 {
298 // Sub-list is in a property of an object
299 $subList = $group->{$options['group.items']};
301 if (isset($group->{$options['group.label']}))
302 {
303 $label = $group->{$options['group.label']};
304 $noGroup = false;
305 }
307 if (isset($options['group.id']) && isset($group->{$options['group.id']}))
308 {
309 $id = $group->{$options['group.id']};
310 $noGroup = false;
311 }
312 }
313 else
314 {
315 throw new RuntimeException('Invalid group contents.', 1);
316 }
318 if ($noGroup)
319 {
320 $html .= static::options($subList, $options);
321 }
322 else
323 {
324 $html .= $groupIndent . '<optgroup' . (empty($id) ? '' : ' id="' . $id . '"') . ' label="'
325 . ($options['group.label.toHtml'] ? htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : $label) . '">' . $options['format.eol']
326 . static::options($subList, $options) . $groupIndent . '</optgroup>' . $options['format.eol'];
327 }
328 }
330 $html .= $baseIndent . '</select>' . $options['format.eol'];
332 return $html;
333 }
335 /**
336 * Generates a selection list of integers.
337 *
338 * @param integer $start The start integer
339 * @param integer $end The end integer
340 * @param integer $inc The increment
341 * @param string $name The value of the HTML name attribute
342 * @param mixed $attribs Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag, an array of
343 * attributes, or an array of options. Treated as options if it is the last
344 * argument passed.
345 * @param mixed $selected The key that is selected
346 * @param string $format The printf format to be applied to the number
347 *
348 * @return string HTML for the select list
349 *
350 * @since 1.5
351 */
352 public static function integerlist($start, $end, $inc, $name, $attribs = null, $selected = null, $format = '')
353 {
354 // Set default options
355 $options = array_merge(JHtml::$formatOptions, array('format.depth' => 0, 'option.format' => '', 'id' => null));
357 if (is_array($attribs) && func_num_args() === 5)
358 {
359 // Assume we have an options array
360 $options = array_merge($options, $attribs);
362 // Extract the format and remove it from downstream options
363 $format = $options['option.format'];
364 unset($options['option.format']);
365 }
366 else
367 {
368 // Get options from the parameters
369 $options['list.attr'] = $attribs;
370 $options['list.select'] = $selected;
371 }
373 $start = (int) $start;
374 $end = (int) $end;
375 $inc = (int) $inc;
377 $data = array();
379 for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += $inc)
380 {
381 $data[$i] = $format ? sprintf($format, $i) : $i;
382 }
384 // Tell genericlist() to use array keys
385 $options['option.key'] = null;
387 return JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $data, $name, $options);
388 }
390 /**
391 * Create a placeholder for an option group.
392 *
393 * @param string $text The text for the option
394 * @param string $optKey The returned object property name for the value
395 * @param string $optText The returned object property name for the text
396 *
397 * @return stdClass
398 *
399 * @deprecated 4.0 Use JHtmlSelect::groupedList()
400 * @see JHtmlSelect::groupedList()
401 * @since 1.5
402 */
403 public static function optgroup($text, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text')
404 {
405 JLog::add('JHtmlSelect::optgroup() is deprecated, use JHtmlSelect::groupedList() instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');
407 // Set initial state
408 static $state = 'open';
410 // Toggle between open and close states:
411 switch ($state)
412 {
413 case 'open':
414 $obj = new stdClass;
415 $obj->$optKey = '<OPTGROUP>';
416 $obj->$optText = $text;
417 $state = 'close';
418 break;
419 case 'close':
420 $obj = new stdClass;
421 $obj->$optKey = '</OPTGROUP>';
422 $obj->$optText = $text;
423 $state = 'open';
424 break;
425 }
427 return $obj;
428 }
430 /**
431 * Create an object that represents an option in an option list.
432 *
433 * @param string $value The value of the option
434 * @param string $text The text for the option
435 * @param mixed $optKey If a string, the returned object property name for
436 * the value. If an array, options. Valid options are:
437 * attr: String|array. Additional attributes for this option.
438 * Defaults to none.
439 * disable: Boolean. If set, this option is disabled.
440 * label: String. The value for the option label.
441 * option.attr: The property in each option array to use for
442 * additional selection attributes. Defaults to none.
443 * option.disable: The property that will hold the disabled state.
444 * Defaults to "disable".
445 * option.key: The property that will hold the selection value.
446 * Defaults to "value".
447 * option.label: The property in each option array to use as the
448 * selection label attribute. If a "label" option is provided, defaults to
449 * "label", if no label is given, defaults to null (none).
450 * option.text: The property that will hold the the displayed text.
451 * Defaults to "text". If set to null, the option array is assumed to be a
452 * list of displayable scalars.
453 * @param string $optText The property that will hold the the displayed text. This
454 * parameter is ignored if an options array is passed.
455 * @param boolean $disable Not used.
456 *
457 * @return stdClass
458 *
459 * @since 1.5
460 */
461 public static function option($value, $text = '', $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $disable = false)
462 {
463 $options = array(
464 'attr' => null,
465 'disable' => false,
466 'option.attr' => null,
467 'option.disable' => 'disable',
468 'option.key' => 'value',
469 'option.label' => null,
470 'option.text' => 'text',
471 );
473 if (is_array($optKey))
474 {
475 // Merge in caller's options
476 $options = array_merge($options, $optKey);
477 }
478 else
479 {
480 // Get options from the parameters
481 $options['option.key'] = $optKey;
482 $options['option.text'] = $optText;
483 $options['disable'] = $disable;
484 }
486 $obj = new stdClass;
487 $obj->{$options['option.key']} = $value;
488 $obj->{$options['option.text']} = trim($text) ? $text : $value;
490 /*
491 * If a label is provided, save it. If no label is provided and there is
492 * a label name, initialise to an empty string.
493 */
494 $hasProperty = $options['option.label'] !== null;
496 if (isset($options['label']))
497 {
498 $labelProperty = $hasProperty ? $options['option.label'] : 'label';
499 $obj->$labelProperty = $options['label'];
500 }
501 elseif ($hasProperty)
502 {
503 $obj->{$options['option.label']} = '';
504 }
506 // Set attributes only if there is a property and a value
507 if ($options['attr'] !== null)
508 {
509 $obj->{$options['option.attr']} = $options['attr'];
510 }
512 // Set disable only if it has a property and a value
513 if ($options['disable'] !== null)
514 {
515 $obj->{$options['option.disable']} = $options['disable'];
516 }
518 return $obj;
519 }
521 /**
522 * Generates the option tags for an HTML select list (with no select tag
523 * surrounding the options).
524 *
525 * @param array $arr An array of objects, arrays, or values.
526 * @param mixed $optKey If a string, this is the name of the object variable for
527 * the option value. If null, the index of the array of objects is used. If
528 * an array, this is a set of options, as key/value pairs. Valid options are:
529 * -Format options, {@see JHtml::$formatOptions}.
530 * -groups: Boolean. If set, looks for keys with the value
531 * "<optgroup>" and synthesizes groups from them. Deprecated. Defaults
532 * true for backwards compatibility.
533 * -list.select: either the value of one selected option or an array
534 * of selected options. Default: none.
535 * -list.translate: Boolean. If set, text and labels are translated via
536 * JText::_(). Default is false.
537 * -option.id: The property in each option array to use as the
538 * selection id attribute. Defaults to none.
539 * -option.key: The property in each option array to use as the
540 * selection value. Defaults to "value". If set to null, the index of the
541 * option array is used.
542 * -option.label: The property in each option array to use as the
543 * selection label attribute. Defaults to null (none).
544 * -option.text: The property in each option array to use as the
545 * displayed text. Defaults to "text". If set to null, the option array is
546 * assumed to be a list of displayable scalars.
547 * -option.attr: The property in each option array to use for
548 * additional selection attributes. Defaults to none.
549 * -option.disable: The property that will hold the disabled state.
550 * Defaults to "disable".
551 * -option.key: The property that will hold the selection value.
552 * Defaults to "value".
553 * -option.text: The property that will hold the the displayed text.
554 * Defaults to "text". If set to null, the option array is assumed to be a
555 * list of displayable scalars.
556 * @param string $optText The name of the object variable for the option text.
557 * @param mixed $selected The key that is selected (accepts an array or a string)
558 * @param boolean $translate Translate the option values.
559 *
560 * @return string HTML for the select list
561 *
562 * @since 1.5
563 */
564 public static function options($arr, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $selected = null, $translate = false)
565 {
566 $options = array_merge(
567 JHtml::$formatOptions,
568 static::$optionDefaults['option'],
569 array('format.depth' => 0, 'groups' => true, 'list.select' => null, 'list.translate' => false)
570 );
572 if (is_array($optKey))
573 {
574 // Set default options and overwrite with anything passed in
575 $options = array_merge($options, $optKey);
576 }
577 else
578 {
579 // Get options from the parameters
580 $options['option.key'] = $optKey;
581 $options['option.text'] = $optText;
582 $options['list.select'] = $selected;
583 $options['list.translate'] = $translate;
584 }
586 $html = '';
587 $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], $options['format.depth']);
589 foreach ($arr as $elementKey => &$element)
590 {
591 $attr = '';
592 $extra = '';
593 $label = '';
594 $id = '';
596 if (is_array($element))
597 {
598 $key = $options['option.key'] === null ? $elementKey : $element[$options['option.key']];
599 $text = $element[$options['option.text']];
601 if (isset($element[$options['option.attr']]))
602 {
603 $attr = $element[$options['option.attr']];
604 }
606 if (isset($element[$options['option.id']]))
607 {
608 $id = $element[$options['option.id']];
609 }
611 if (isset($element[$options['option.label']]))
612 {
613 $label = $element[$options['option.label']];
614 }
616 if (isset($element[$options['option.disable']]) && $element[$options['option.disable']])
617 {
618 $extra .= ' disabled="disabled"';
619 }
620 }
621 elseif (is_object($element))
622 {
623 $key = $options['option.key'] === null ? $elementKey : $element->{$options['option.key']};
624 $text = $element->{$options['option.text']};
626 if (isset($element->{$options['option.attr']}))
627 {
628 $attr = $element->{$options['option.attr']};
629 }
631 if (isset($element->{$options['option.id']}))
632 {
633 $id = $element->{$options['option.id']};
634 }
636 if (isset($element->{$options['option.label']}))
637 {
638 $label = $element->{$options['option.label']};
639 }
641 if (isset($element->{$options['option.disable']}) && $element->{$options['option.disable']})
642 {
643 $extra .= ' disabled="disabled"';
644 }
646 if (isset($element->{$options['option.class']}) && $element->{$options['option.class']})
647 {
648 $extra .= ' class="' . $element->{$options['option.class']} . '"';
649 }
651 if (isset($element->{$options['option.onclick']}) && $element->{$options['option.onclick']})
652 {
653 $extra .= ' onclick="' . $element->{$options['option.onclick']} . '"';
654 }
655 }
656 else
657 {
658 // This is a simple associative array
659 $key = $elementKey;
660 $text = $element;
661 }
663 /*
664 * The use of options that contain optgroup HTML elements was
665 * somewhat hacked for J1.5. J1.6 introduces the grouplist() method
666 * to handle this better. The old solution is retained through the
667 * "groups" option, which defaults true in J1.6, but should be
668 * deprecated at some point in the future.
669 */
671 $key = (string) $key;
673 if ($key === '<OPTGROUP>' && $options['groups'])
674 {
675 $html .= $baseIndent . '<optgroup label="' . ($options['list.translate'] ? JText::_($text) : $text) . '">' . $options['format.eol'];
676 $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], ++$options['format.depth']);
677 }
678 elseif ($key === '</OPTGROUP>' && $options['groups'])
679 {
680 $baseIndent = str_repeat($options['format.indent'], --$options['format.depth']);
681 $html .= $baseIndent . '</optgroup>' . $options['format.eol'];
682 }
683 else
684 {
685 // If no string after hyphen - take hyphen out
686 $splitText = explode(' - ', $text, 2);
687 $text = $splitText[0];
689 if (isset($splitText[1]) && $splitText[1] !== '' && !preg_match('/^[\s]+$/', $splitText[1]))
690 {
691 $text .= ' - ' . $splitText[1];
692 }
694 if (!empty($label) && $options['list.translate'])
695 {
696 $label = JText::_($label);
697 }
699 if ($options['option.label.toHtml'])
700 {
701 $label = htmlentities($label);
702 }
704 if (is_array($attr))
705 {
706 $attr = ArrayHelper::toString($attr);
707 }
708 else
709 {
710 $attr = trim($attr);
711 }
713 $extra = ($id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ($label ? ' label="' . $label . '"' : '') . ($attr ? ' ' . $attr : '') . $extra;
715 if (is_array($options['list.select']))
716 {
717 foreach ($options['list.select'] as $val)
718 {
719 $key2 = is_object($val) ? $val->{$options['option.key']} : $val;
721 if ($key == $key2)
722 {
723 $extra .= ' selected="selected"';
724 break;
725 }
726 }
727 }
728 elseif ((string) $key === (string) $options['list.select'])
729 {
730 $extra .= ' selected="selected"';
731 }
733 if ($options['list.translate'])
734 {
735 $text = JText::_($text);
736 }
738 // Generate the option, encoding as required
739 $html .= $baseIndent . '<option value="' . ($options['option.key.toHtml'] ? htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : $key) . '"'
740 . $extra . '>';
741 $html .= $options['option.text.toHtml'] ? htmlentities(html_entity_decode($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : $text;
742 $html .= '</option>' . $options['format.eol'];
743 }
744 }
746 return $html;
747 }
749 /**
750 * Generates an HTML radio list.
751 *
752 * @param array $data An array of objects
753 * @param string $name The value of the HTML name attribute
754 * @param string $attribs Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag
755 * @param mixed $optKey The key that is selected
756 * @param string $optText The name of the object variable for the option value
757 * @param string $selected The name of the object variable for the option text
758 * @param boolean $idtag Value of the field id or null by default
759 * @param boolean $translate True if options will be translated
760 *
761 * @return string HTML for the select list
762 *
763 * @since 1.5
764 */
765 public static function radiolist($data, $name, $attribs = null, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $selected = null, $idtag = false,
766 $translate = false)
767 {
769 if (is_array($attribs))
770 {
771 $attribs = ArrayHelper::toString($attribs);
772 }
774 $id_text = $idtag ?: $name;
776 $html = '<div class="controls">';
778 foreach ($data as $obj)
779 {
780 $k = $obj->$optKey;
781 $t = $translate ? JText::_($obj->$optText) : $obj->$optText;
782 $id = (isset($obj->id) ? $obj->id : null);
784 $extra = '';
785 $id = $id ? $obj->id : $id_text . $k;
787 if (is_array($selected))
788 {
789 foreach ($selected as $val)
790 {
791 $k2 = is_object($val) ? $val->$optKey : $val;
793 if ($k == $k2)
794 {
795 $extra .= ' selected="selected" ';
796 break;
797 }
798 }
799 }
800 else
801 {
802 $extra .= ((string) $k === (string) $selected ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
803 }
805 $html .= "\n\t" . '<label for="' . $id . '" id="' . $id . '-lbl" class="radio">';
806 $html .= "\n\t\n\t" . '<input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '" value="' . $k . '" ' . $extra
807 . $attribs . ' />' . $t;
808 $html .= "\n\t" . '</label>';
809 }
811 $html .= "\n";
812 $html .= '</div>';
813 $html .= "\n";
815 return $html;
816 }
817 }