1 <?php
2 /**
3 * @package Joomla.Platform
4 * @subpackage Log
5 *
6 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
7 * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
8 */
10 defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
12 /**
13 * Joomla! Callback Log class
14 *
15 * This class allows logging to be handled by a callback function.
16 * This allows unprecedented flexibility in the way logging can be handled.
17 *
18 * @since 12.2
19 */
20 class JLogLoggerCallback extends JLogLogger
21 {
22 /**
23 * The function to call when an entry is added
24 *
25 * @var callable
26 * @since 12.2
27 */
28 protected $callback;
30 /**
31 * Constructor.
32 *
33 * @param array &$options Log object options.
34 *
35 * @since 12.2
36 * @throws RuntimeException
37 */
38 public function __construct(array &$options)
39 {
40 // Call the parent constructor.
41 parent::__construct($options);
43 // Throw an exception if there is not a valid callback
44 if (!isset($this->options['callback']) || !is_callable($this->options['callback']))
45 {
46 throw new RuntimeException('JLogLoggerCallback created without valid callback function.');
47 }
49 $this->callback = $this->options['callback'];
50 }
52 /**
53 * Method to add an entry to the log.
54 *
55 * @param JLogEntry $entry The log entry object to add to the log.
56 *
57 * @return void
58 *
59 * @since 12.2
60 * @throws RuntimeException
61 */
62 public function addEntry(JLogEntry $entry)
63 {
64 // Pass the log entry to the callback function
65 call_user_func($this->callback, $entry);
66 }
67 }